Summer | Summer highlights | South Tyrol
The summer challenge
A cherry stone spitting competition
Imagine this: you’re sitting outside with your family, perhaps in the garden, on the balcony, in the park, or next to the swimming pool. Crickets are chirping, butterflies and bees are buzzing through the air. The warm sunrays kiss your skin, while the wind blows softly on the leaves. You’re in the middle of this scenery and perceive all these sensations to the fullest. Your kids admire nature’s beauty and listen to its sounds. Then the highlight: A big bowl of dark red, juicy cherries. Besides eating them, there is an amusing alternative way to have fun with cherries. Keyword: cherry stone spitting competition (only if your children are old enough not to swallow the stones). Take a deep breath and … go! The winner gets a delicious ice cream. Another fun competition is the “knot the cherry stem with your tongue” challenge. Try them both!
Enjoy mountain biking holidays in the Alps and discover a million ways to have fun with your family.
The Gamper family
Familienalm & Almchalets Taser Alm ****