South Tyrol | Autumn | Spring | Summer | Summer highlights
It’s your turn!
The best outdoor games for spring
Do you know the feeling? The sun is shining, your friends are waiting at the door: You want to go outside! But what should you play?
At our hotel in Italy for your Dolomites holidays, we have a few ideas for you: If you want to enjoy a fun challenge with your friends, you can hold a throwing competition to see who can throw the furthest with almost any object you can find in the forest, for example pine cones. The winner earns the title of “Pine King” and gets to wear a forest crown (which you can also make yourselves). The forest or park are also perfect for playing hide-and-seek, as there are so many hidey-holes to find. Or how about a long-jumping contest? All you need to do is draw a line on the ground, take a run-up, and jump as far as you possibly can.
We especially like the game “blind caterpillar”. Here’s how it works: Take off your shoes and socks and form a line behind one another, holding onto the shoulders of the person in front of you. Then, everyone closes their eyes except for the person at the front and starts walking slowly forwards together over the forest floor. Try to guess what your feet are currently touching. Just wait and see how good you feel after having fun out in the fresh air.
The Moser family
Life & Wellness-Resort Gartenhotel Moser & Ramus ****s