Spring | Summer | South Tyrol | Indulgence
The great elderflower
Recipe for elderflower syrup
Whether it’s with ice or not, with sparkling water or still, elderflower syrup is simply always delicious. Here is our recipe.
What is the flavour you associate most with your childhood? For us, it’s the heavenly sweet elderflower syrup. Even picking the delicate white flowers, which are a delightful feast for the eyes, is an adventure. The most beautiful buds can be usually found right at the top but with a little skill and a few acrobatic moves, we can definitely reach them. A little insider tip: cut the flowers carefully with a scissors so that as little pollen is spilled. You need about 20 flowers for the syrup but the motto really is: the more the better. When you arrive home, first clean the flower heads. In the meantime, bring 1.5 litres of water to a boil with 1.5 kilograms of sugar. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, add 40 grams of citric acid, the elderflowers, and lemon slices (as many as you like). Let the mixture stand for at least one day (any grandmother will say three days) so that the flowers can develop their full flavour. When the syrup is ready, fill it into sterilised bottles and store them in either the fridge or cellar. This syrup and other summer delicacies will sweeten your holidays in South Tyrol during the warm season!
Elisabeth Ploner and family from Familyhotel Posta