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Familienhotels Südtirol
It’s transhumance time!

Summer | Autumn | Tip for families | Summer highlights | South Tyrol

A South Tyrolean tradition

Transhumance celebrations throughout the region

When summer slowly gives way to autumn, it’s time for the transhumance celebrations.

During this special South Tyrolean tradition, countless grazing animals like cows, sheep, and goats are brought back down from the pastures to the valley. All summer long, they’ve enjoyed the vast Alpine meadows, juicy grass, and fresh mountain air and moved around freely in nature with their animal companions. Before it gets too cold and grazing becomes too meagre, it’s important to bring them back to their warm stable. That’s celebrated with a large parade every year. The animals are then adorned with beautiful flowers, bells, and garlands that are a reflection of the farmers’ pride. The custom is the farmers’ way of showing gratitude for a successful year and good harvest. Hundreds of villagers and spectators attend the transhumance parades and celebrate the successful summer with the farmers once the animals are back in their stables. On your holiday at our luxury family hotels in Italy, you’ll have the chance to learn even more about the customs and traditions of our area – so start getting excited!

The Brunner family
Familien Wellness Residence Tyrol ****

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