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Familienhotels Südtirol
Single with kid

Familyhotel Biancaneve ****S

Wolkenstein/Gröden - Dolomites

Single with kid

7 nights | 08.06. – 16.06.2025
from € 532.00
per person and package

Are you a single parent? Or is your partner unable to get away from work? In the period from 8th to 15th June we have the Single with children offer. If there is only one parent and 2 children in the room, we offer a 10% discount on the room price for weekly stays - and with 1 child, a 20% discount applies. The offer is valid in the category Selva Superior


Inclusive services

Childcare for children from 1-3 years

Single with kid

The children from 3 years on are assisted in our Mini Club from 9.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m. 6 days a week (only on Saturday the assistance is from 12.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m.). And that’s still not enough … in the morning we look after your children from 1-3 years.


Mountain Bike rental for the whole family

Single with kid

The Mountain- Bike rental for the whole Family is included in the package.


1 visit of a farm

We are going to explore a farm.

